At the turn of the last century the industrial revolution drove populations villages to cities, from farms to factories, the foundations for two world war were brewing, genocides were tearing apart the poorest countries while the richer ones enjoyed a revitalised wealth due to technological advances and automatisation. But that was followed by an economic depression, all the while artists in all fields changed the rules of the game and flaunted then all together, producing books and paintings and even films that got to the core of their anxieties. The 20th century was a new world altogether, from political structures to economic models and policies, to the weapons we used, to the kind of art we produced, to the media that informed us of all these things.

Economically, the global corporations have successfully decimated the middle classes with fewer rights and benefits and lower wages, politically we are bankrupt, and artistically, everything with something interesting, valuable or new to say is drowned out by Disney sequels, Tik Tok white rap trends, self help celebrity cook books, and Rupi Kaur toilet wipe poems.

The turn of the century set the tone for the next 100 years. Is the same thing happening again? What will our next 100 years look like?